Easton Press Books That Changed the World

There have been a total of 90 books produced for Books That Changed the World. The complete list is published at the bottom in numerical order starting with the first book published for the series.

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  1. Affluent Society - John Kenneth Galbraith

  2. American Dilemma (2 volumes) - Gunnar Myrdal

  3. Art of War - Sun Tzu

  4. Being and Nothingness: An Essay on Phenomenological Ontology - Jean Paul Sartre

  5. Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche

  6. Bhagavad Gita

  7. Common Sense - Thomas Paine

  8. Communist Manifesto and Other Writings - Karl Marx

  9. Critique of Pure Reason - Immanuel Kant

  10. Das Kapital (2 volumes) - Karl Marx

  11. Democracy in America (2 volumes) - Alexis De Tocqueville

  12. Dhammapada

  13. Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Frank

  14. Discourse on Method and Related Writings - Rene Descartes

  15. Double Helix - James D. Watson

  16. Economic Interpretation of The Constitution - Charles A. Beard

  17. Elements of Chemistry - Antoine Lavoisier

  18. Essay on the Principle of Population - Thomas R. Malthus

  19. Euclid’s Elements of Geometry - Euclid

  20. Federalist Papers - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay

  21. Feminine Mystique - Betty Friedan

  22. Fermat's Enigma - Simon Singh

  23. First on the Moon - Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins

  24. Five Books of Moses

  25. General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money - John Maynard Keynes

  26. Genius - Harold Bloom

  27. Genuine Works of Hippocrates

  28. Gospels

  29. Influence of Sea Power Upon History - Alfred Thayer Mahan

  30. Interpretation of Dreams - Sigmund Freud

  31. Jewish State - Theodor Herzl

  32. Jungle - Upton Sinclair

  33. Koran

  34. Leviathan or the Matter, Form and Power of a Commonwealth - Thomas Hobbes

  35. Lewis and Clark Journals of the Expedition (2 volumes)

  36. Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus - Samuel Eliot Morison

  37. Lives of a Cell (Biology) - Lewis Thomas

  38. Looking Backward - Edward Bellamy

  39. Magna Carta - Anne Pallister

  40. Meaning of Relativity - Albert Einstein

  41. Medical Education in The United States and Canada - Abraham Flexner

  42. Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

  43. Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler

  44. Milestones in Medicine - Curie, Harvey, Jenner, Lister and Pasteur

  45. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave - Frederick Douglass

  46. New Testament

  47. Ninety-Five Theses and Other Treatises - Martin Luther

  48. On Liberty - John Stuart Mill

  49. On The Origin of Species - Charles Darwin

  50. On War (2 volumes) - Carl von Clausewitz

  51. Perestroika - Mikhail Gorbachev

  52. Phenomenology of Spirit - Georg W. F. Hegel

  53. Politics & Poetics - Aristotle

  54. Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli

  55. Principia - Isaac Newton

  56. Principles of Scientific Management - Frederick Winslow Taylor

  57. Psychology of the Unconscious - Carl G. Jung

  58. Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong)

  59. Ragged Dick - Horatio Alger Jr.

  60. Republic by Plato

  61. Resistance to Civil Government - Henry David Thoreau

  62. Revolutionbus - Nicolaus Copernicus

  63. Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There - Aldo Leopold

  64. School and Society - John Dewey

  65. Selected Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas

  66. Seventy Years of Life and Labor (2 volumes) - Samuel Gompers

  67. Silent Spring - Rachel Carson

  68. Six Easy Pieces - Richard Feynman

  69. Social Contract and Discourses - Jean Jacques Rousseau

  70. Spirit of Laws - Charles de Montesquieu

  71. State and Revolution - Vladimir Lenin

  72. Structure of Scientific Revolutions - Kuhn

  73. Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

  74. Theory of the Leisure Class - Thorstein Veblen

  75. Torah

  76. Travels of Marco Polo

  77. Twenty Years at Hull-House - Jane Addams

  78. Two Treatises of Government - John Locke

  79. Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe

  80. Utopia - Sir Thomas More

  81. Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Mary Wollstonecraft

  82. Walden - Henry David Thoreau

  83. Walden Two - B. F. Skinner

  84. Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith

  85. While England Slept - Winston Churchill

Easton Press “Official List”

  1. Democracy in America Volume #1

  2. Theory of Relativity

  3. Principia

  4. Origin of Species

  5. Revolutionbus

  6. DISCONTINUED - Sea Power

  7. DISCONTINUED - Mein Kampf

  8. Common Sense

  9. Civil Government

  10. DISCONTINUED - State and Revolution

  11. Beyond Good and Evil

  12. On Liberty

  13. DISCONTINUED - On War Volume #1

  14. DISCONTINUED - On War Volume #2

  15. Social Contract

  16. Five Books of Moses

  17. Two Treaties

  18. Magna Carta

  19. DISCONTINUED - Das Kapital - Volume #1

  20. Wealth of Nations

  21. Scientific Method

  22. The Koran

  23. Uncle Tom's Cabin

  24. DISCONTINUED - Jungle

  25. DISCONTINUED - Silent Spring

  26. DISCONTINUED - Hull House

  27. DISCONTINUED - American Dilemma Volume #1

  28. DISCONTINUED - American Dilemma Volume #2

  29. DISCONTINUED - Looking Backward

  30. DISCONTINUED - Ragged Dick

  31. DISCONTINUED - School and Society

  32. DISCONTINUED - Rights of Woman

  33. DISCONTINUED - Life and Labor Volume #1

  34. DISCONTINUED - Life and Labor Volume #2

  35. DISCONTINUED - The New Testament

  36. Interpretation of Dreams

  37. DISCONTINUED - Lewis and Clark Journals Volume #1

  38. DISCONTINUED - Lewis and Clark Journals Volume #2

  39. Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus

  40. Marco Polo

  41. Democracy in America Volume #2 (why it took 40 volumes to publish #2 no one will every know)

  42. DISCONTINUED - The Affluent Society

  43. Discourse Method

  44. Principle of Population

  45. DISCONTINUED - Theory of Leisure Class

  46. DISCONTINUED - Das Kapital Volume #2

  47. DISCONTINUED - Economic Interpretation

  48. DISCONTINUED - Medical Education

  49. DISCONTINUED - Sexual Behavior

  50. Bhagavad Gita

  51. DISCONTINUED - Walden Two

  52. DISCONTINUED - Being and Nothingness

  53. DISCONTINUED - Feminine Mystique

  54. DISCONTINUED - Critique and Pure Reason

  55. Utopia

  56. Tao Te Ching

  57. DISCONTINUED - Sand County Almanac

  58. DISCONTINUED - I Have a Dream

  59. DISCONTINUED - Phenomenology/Spirit

  60. DISCONTINUED - Coming of Age

  61. Writings of St. Thomas

  62. DISCONTINUED - The Road to Serfdom

  63. Psychology of the Unconscious

  64. DISCONTINUED - Jewish State

  65. Ninety-Five Thesis

  66. General Theory of Employment

  67. DISCONTINUED - Gandhi

  68. Chairman Mao

  69. Perestroika

  70. DISCONTINUED - Frederick Douglas

  71. Torah

  72. The Gospels

  73. Prince

  74. Plato's Republic

  75. Federalist

  76. Elements

  77. Art of War - Tzu

  78. Diary of Anne Frank

  79. Walden

  80. The Dhammapada

  81. Leviathan

  82. While England Slept

  83. The Meditations

  84. Hippocrates

  85. Spirit of Laws

  86. (TBD - Not Out)

  87. The Double Helix

  88. First on the Moon

  89. Politics

  90. Communist Manifesto

  91. Milestones in Medicine