Easton Press Library of Science Fiction.

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  1. Aldiss, Brian W. - Dracula Unbound

  2. Anderson, Poul - Tau Zero

  3. Anderson, Poul - The Boat of a Million Years

  4. Asimov, Isaac - Prelude to Foundation

  5. Asimov, Isaac - The Foundation Trilogy

  6. Asimov, Isaac - The Gods Themselves

  7. Attanasio, A. A. - The Last Legends of Earth

  8. Bear, Greg - Moving Mars

  9. Bear, Greg - Queen of Angels

  10. Ben Bova and Bill Pogue - The Trikon Deception

  11. Benford, Gregory - Timescape

  12. Bester, Alfred - The Demolished Man

  13. Blaylock, James - The Paper Grail

  14. Bova, Ben - Voyagers III: Star Brothers

  15. Bova, Ben - EDITOR - The Science Fiction Hall of Fame

  16. Bradbury, Ray - Dandelion Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes - Set

  17. Bradbury, Ray - Dandelion Wine

  18. Bradbury, Ray - Something Wicked This Way Comes

  19. Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451

  20. Brin, David - Startide Rising

  21. Brown, Frederic - What Mad Universe

  22. Brunner, John - Stand On Zanzibar

  23. Brunner, John - A Maze of Stars

  24. Bujold, Lois M. - Falling Free

  25. Bujold, Lois McMaster - Barrayar

  26. Bujold, Lois McMaster - Borders of Infinity

  27. Bujold, Lois McMasters - The Vore Game

  28. Burroughs, Edgar Rice - At the Earth's Core & Princess of Mars

  29. Card, Orson Scott - Ender's Game

  30. Card, Orson Scott - Speaker for the Dead

  31. Card, Orson Scott - Maps In a Mirror

  32. Charles Sheffield - Brother to Dragons

  33. Cherryh, C. J. - Downbelow Station

  34. Cherryh, C. J. - Chernevog

  35. Cherryh, C. J. - Rusalka

  36. Cherryh, C. J. - Heavy Time

  37. Clarke, Arthur C. - 2001: A Space Odyssey

  38. Clarke, Arthur C. - The Fountains of Paradise

  39. Clifton, Mark and Riley, Frank - They'd Rather Be Right

  40. Crichton, Michael - Jurassic Park

  41. Crichton, Michael - The Lost World

  42. David Brin - Glory Season

  43. de Camp, L. Sprague - The Honorable Barbarian

  44. Delany, Samuel - The Einstein Intersection

  45. Denton, Bradley - Buddy Holly is Alive and Well on Ganymede

  46. Dick, Philip K. - The Man In The High Castle

  47. Dickson, Gordon - Wolf and Iron

  48. Disch, Thomas M. - On Wings of Song

  49. Douglas Adams - Mostly Harmless

  50. Effinger, George Alec - The Exile Kiss

  51. Ellison, Harlan - Angry Candy

  52. Farmer, Phillip José - To Your Scattered Bodies Go

  53. Forward, Robert L. - Martian Rainbow

  54. Foster, Alan Dean - Call To Arms

  55. Greg Bear - Anvil of Stars

  56. Gunn, James - Kampus

  57. Haldeman, Joe - The Forever War

  58. Haldeman, Joe W. - Buying Time

  59. Harry Turtledove - Earthgrip

  60. Heinlein, Robert A. - Stranger In A Strange Land

  61. Herbert, Frank - Dune

  62. Hoyle, Fred - The Black Cloud

  63. Jack Williamson - Beachhead

  64. Joan D. Vinge - The Summer Queen

  65. John M. Ford - Growing Up Weightless

  66. John Varley - Steel Beach

  67. Kennedy, William - Riding the Yellow Trolley Car

  68. Keyes, Daniel - Flowers For Algernon

  69. King, Stephen - The Dead Zone

  70. Kinglake, A. W. - Eothen

  71. Le Guin, Ursula - A Wizard of Earthsea

  72. Le Guin, Ursula - Tehanu

  73. Le Guin, Ursula - The Dispossessed

  74. Le Guin, Ursula - The Farthest Shore

  75. Le Guin, Ursula - The Tomes of Atuan

  76. Le Guin, Ursula K. - The Left Hand Of Darkness

  77. London, Jack - Before Adam

  78. Malzberg, Barry - Beyond Apollo

  79. Matheson, Richard - The Shrinking Man

  80. May, Julian - Jack the Bodiless

  81. McCaffrey, Ann - Pegasus In Flight

  82. McCaffrey, Anne - Dragonflight

  83. McCaffrey, Anne - Dragonsdawn

  84. McIntyre, Vonda - Starfarers

  85. McIntyre, Vonda N. - Dreamsnake

  86. McIntyre, Vonda N. - The Moon and the Sun

  87. McIntyre, Vonda N. - Transition

  88. Miller, Walter M.A - Canticle for Leibowitz

  89. Moore, Ward - Bring the Jubilee

  90. Niven, Larry - Ringworld

  91. Niven, Larry - Pournelle, Jerry;

  92. Flynn, Michael - Fallen Angels

  93. Norton, Andre - Wizard's Worlds

  94. Orwell, George - Nineteen Eighty-Four

  95. Peck, M. Scott - In Heaven as on Earth

  96. Pohl, Frederik - The Gateway Trip

  97. Pohl, Frederick - Gateway

  98. Pohl, Frederik - Homegoing

  99. Pohl, Frederik - The Day The Martians Came

  100. Resnick, Mike - Second Contact

  101. Robinson, Kim Stanley - Escape from Kathmandou

  102. Robinson, Kim Stanley - Pacific Edge

  103. Robinson, Spider & Jeanne Starseed

  104. Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann - The Healer's War

  105. Sheffield, Charles - Divergence

  106. Silverberg, Robert - Dying Inside

  107. Silverberg, Robert - To The Land of The Living

  108. Simak, Clifford D. - City

  109. Simak, Clifford D. - Way Station

  110. Stapledon, Olaf - Odd John

  111. Sturgeon, Theodore - More Than Human

  112. Swanwick, Michael - Stations of the Tide

  113. Tucker, Wilson - The Year of the Quiet Sun

  114. van Vogt, A. E. - The World of A

  115. Van Vogt, A.E. - Slan

  116. VariousAstounding Stories (1)

  117. VariousAstounding Stories (2)

  118. VariousAstounding Stories (3)

  119. Verne, Jules - From the Earth to the Moon

  120. Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon the Deep

  121. Vinge, Joan D. - The Snow Queen

  122. Watsun, Ian - The Embedding

  123. Wells, H. G. - The Invisible Man

  124. Wells, H. G. - The Time Machine

  125. Wells, HG - The War of the Worlds

  126. Williamson, Jack - Mazeway

  127. Williamson, Jack - The Humanoids

  128. Willis, Connie - Doomsday Book

  129. Wilson, F. Paul - Dydeetown World

  130. Wolfe, Gene - Endangered Species

  131. Wolfe, Gene - The Shadow of the Torturer

  132. Wyndham, John - The Day Of The Triffids

  133. Zebrowski, George - Stranger Suns

  134. Zelazny, Roger - Lord of Light

  135. Zelazny, Roger - The Immortal